ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ PillarSoft Help ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Click on "Find by Keyword" to find help on any particular item. Most of the controls have a tip on the message bar at the bottom of the screen and are otherwise pretty well understood by most experienced computer users. If you look down there you'll see the tips as you move your mouse over the menu's and buttons. If you don't look down there you'll actually be able to see what you're doing and hit the mark most of the time with your mouse clicks. :) ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ The Enhanced E Editor (EE.EXE, freeware) is much like the OS/2 E editor with these enhancements: PRINT FILE - Allows you to print the file presently loaded. Why wasn't this included in "E" the OS/2 System Editor? PRINT SELECTED - Prints the text that is presently highlighted (see "Highlighting text"). This is helpful when you just want to print a small section of a larger file. PRINTER SETUP - Allows you to change the settings on the default printer only. POPUP MENU - Right mouse button brings up a menu with all commands. Menu functions are also available on the 'tips' bar at the bottom of the window. HELP TIPS - As mentioned above. FILE NAME - The full path and name of the loaded file is referenced in the titlebar. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ The Enhanced EE Editor (EEE.EXE, commercial product) is has everything the Enhanced E Editor has with these improvements: PRINTER SETUP - Allows you to choose a printer and change it's properties including printing to a fax program. TOOLBAR - One button access to the most often used commands. Toolbar button functions are available on the 'tips' bar at the bottom of the window. SEARCH BY LINE # - A search dialog that allows you to find a particular line # in a file. Handy for system or compiler errors that are referenced by line number in a file. SAVE TRACKING - The EEE Editor knows when you have made changes and haven't saved your file. It will give you the opportunity to save it before opening a new file, starting a new file or exiting the program. AUTOSAVE - Set the AutoSave feature "ON" to save your work at specified 1 minute intervals from 1 to 60 minutes. FILE HISTORY - One of the really nice features of EEE. The file history tracks the most recently loaded files for quick retrieval. It keeps the last "x" number (user selected) files used in 'most recently loaded' order. The limit will allow you to keep the combobox and ini file from getting too unwieldy. The user can set his own limit in the full version. Really helpful for editing or reading several files in a group. This unregistered version has a built in limit of 10 files. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ FILE MENU NEW - Clears the edit window in preparation for a new file to be pasted or keyed in. OPEN FILE- Brings up the file dialog box to search for an existing file. OPEN FILE *.txt - Brings up the file dialog box filtered to search for *.txt files. SAVE FILE- Saves the edited version of a file over the top of the old version. SAVE AS - Brings up the file dialog box to save the file under a new name. PRINT FILE - Sends the file loaded to the printer queue. PRINT SELECTED - Sends the currently highlighted text to the printer queue. (EEE) PRINTER SETUP - Brings up the "Available Printers" dialog. (EEE) AVAILABLE PRINTERS - Pick a printer and click "Properties" to change settings. (EEE) EXIT - Exit the program. If the loaded file is changed you will be prompted to save. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ EDIT MENU UNDO - Undo last edit, cut, copy, paste, selection etc. operation performed. CUT - Cuts highlighted text out of document and stores it for later retrieval. COPY - Copies highlighted text to clipboard for pasting elsewhere. PASTE - Pastes text from the clipboard to the current cursor location. CLEAR - Deletes the highlighted text from the current document. FIND - Brings up the search dialog to find and/or replace words in your document. FIND by Line# - Brings up a search dialog that will locate any line in your document. SELECT ALL - Easy way to highlight all the text in the current document. SELECT NONE - Unselects any currently highlighted text. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ OPTIONS MENU TOGGLE WORD WRAP - Turns word wrapping of text on/off. SET FONT - Brings up Font dialog. (see Changing Font) SET COLORS - Brings up Color Selection dialog. (see Changing Colors) SETTINGS - Brings up WordWrap, TabStop, AutoSave(EEE only) & History Limit(EEE only) settings dialog. (see Changing Settings) ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ HELP MENU HELP - I'm still working on it. The "Psoft" toolbar button will bring up what is to become a help system if I can get it to work out properly. I am developing it as a separate program but when it's finished I'll probably tie it into the main executable file which should make the total package smaller by about 100k. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ CHANGING COLORS The color selection utility allows you to choose from a sixteen color palette. The utility will show the example text in the colors you choose by clicking on a selection from the Foreground and Background listboxes. You may elect to "SET" new colors or "Cancel" a color change. SET - If you decide to keep the new color selection, click on "Set" and the new selection will be saved. APPLY - To preview your selection in the Enhanced EE Editor window click on "Apply". This is sort of the "Free home trial" of color selection. The colors you apply will not "stick" until you click the "Set" button. Choose as many combinations as you like and preview them. CANCEL - If you decide you don't want to change, click on "Cancel" and your original colors will be cheerfully refunded. HELP - Brings you here. (not Implemented completely yet) "I WANT A DIFFERENT COLOR!" - The Enhanced EE Editor will support more (up to 16 million) colors for the background through drag and drop actions from your desktop Color Palette if your monitor/video card will allow it. First choose the text or "ForeGround" color from the built in "EEE Color Palette" then open the "OS/2 System Color Palette", choose or edit a color and drop it on the edit window. The new color will be saved in the ini file. If you change your text or "Foreground" color AFTER dropping from the color palette you'll end up with one of the sixteen base colors and have to re-drag and drop your new background. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ CHANGING FONTS Press the "Font" button on the toolbar or on either menu select "Options", "Set", "Set Font" to open the font dialog. Drag your new font from the font palette to the edit window and drop it. The new font setting will be saved. Notice that the edit field and combobox can have two different fonts and must be changed separately. At this point I haven't been able to make the combobox font "stick". It can only be changed by editing line #10 of the ini file. (Try "11.System VIO" (or 10), it seems to work for most video modes) Be sure to back up the INI file before you make changes. If you make a mistake, you could lose all the INI information. If so either copy the backup over the existing INI file or delete it and EEE will create a new one with default settings. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ CHANGING SETTINGS When the settings dialog opens you will notice that you can toggle the WordWrap on/off, set the TabStop, turn AutoSave(EEE) on/off and set the File History Limit(EEE). Notice also that the file statistics(EE only, EEE file stats are in the "Find, by Line#" menu item) are updated as you edit. When finished selecting your settings press the exit button and the WordWrap, TabStop, AutoSave & History Limit settings will be in effect. WORD WRAP - Toggles WordWrap on or off. This may also be toggled from the menu. TABSTOP - Sets size of the tab in the editor. AUTOSAVE - Toggles AutoSave on/off and sets the interval in minutes between saves. The spin button selects the number of minutes between automatic saves or you can type the number in. The light just to the left of the File History combobox will light up during any disk activity. AutoSave is available only in the EEE editor. Be careful using AutoSave, it saves mistakes too... HISTORY LIMIT - Sets the limit of file names and locations that are tracked in the File History combobox. This was installed as a measure against having an ini file with so many names that it degrades loading performance. Set it to suit your taste and cpu. The sharware version of EEE has a built in limit of 10 History Files stored the full version has no limit. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ SEARCH BY KEYWORD OR LINE # (EEE only) Searches in documents can take on two forms. SEARCH BY KEYWORD - The search dialog for text lets you key in a word in the "Find" field and if desired the "Change to" field allows you to change the search word by confirming the change or by electing to change all instances of the word from the present cursor position to the end of the document. Once the search stops on the object word of its' search you can "Cancel" to end the search or click "Find" again to search for the next instance of the word in question. SEARCH BY LINE # - The search dialog for "Line #" searches shows you the number of characters in the file and the number of lines. A line is defined as any string of characters that ends in a carraige return/line feed pair. If you turn off the wordwrap you can see just how long a line can actually get. The spin button will only allow you to choose a legal line #. You may also key in any legal number in the spin button field. When the selection is made click on "Goto Line #" to search or "Cancel" to close the dialog without a search. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ INI FILE RECOVERY Being a text file makes it possible to recover the "Ini" file by editing with EE or EEE. Just remember that each line ends with a carraige return. If it becomes corrupted beyond repair it can be deleted and it will be recreated after the next running of the program. This will restore everything to its' default configuration allbeit without the file history you have built. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ERRATA The shareware version of EEE has a splash screen that will cause you to wait 5 seconds at startup before you are able to continue. The full version of EEE does not have this and speeds up load and access time. FILE CHAR COUNT - Located in the "Settings"(EE) or the "Find - by Line#..."(EEE) dialog the total number of characters in the currently loaded file is displayed. FILE LINE COUNT - Also located in the "Settings"(EE) or the "Find - by Line#..."(EEE) dialog the total number of lines in the currently loaded file are displayed. Notice that if the file uses long lines you may have to set WordWrap "off" to find the correct line referenced by a compiler error comment etc. The + key combination will take you to the top of the file. The + key combination will take you to the end of the file. For single character deletion the key works only in "Insert" mode. This program was done with the monitor set to 1024x768 mode and the help program bitmaps don't always display properly in 640x480 and 800x600 modes. This will be addressed. The toolbar icons may be to large for 640 mode also, they may have to be revamped to a smaller icon. Feedback? ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ FUTURE ENHANCEMENTS Save selected text to a temporary file for just saving tidbits of info or for later printing. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ PillarSoft PO Box #1403 Jamestown, ND 58402 Fax: (701)252-5543 email: Psoft@Tech-Center.com